Networks of Support
Networks of support
A key strength of the ASSET way is our collaborative approach. Staff at every level are connected to their peers and colleagues in other schools and the central team.
Support networks vary in approach, but most encompass email groups, regular meetings, collaborative training and shared resources.
ASSET aims to be a community model in the broadest possible sense, bringing people together for mutual support, improvement and to nurture and inspire innovation. Bringing passionate and committed people together and making space for collaboration is an investment that we believe in.
What networks do we offer?
ASSET Improvement Circles connect groups of schools with headteachers working together as school improvement partners and staff at all levels working across the circle to address shared priorities
SENCo network
Family Liaison Officers
Year Group teachers
Subject Leads
Early Career Teachers
Teaching Assistant working group
Attendance Leads
Business Managers
Early Years leads
Education Improvement Team
New Heads coaching group
Complete Human Strategy Leads