Celebrating Passion and Care

It's that time in the school year where we find printers overheating with the weight of certificates for special assemblies, give and receive thank you cards and gifts, and recognise the people and things that matter to us.

In the spirit of recognising the passion and care of our children, staff, and the people and organisations in our local communities that make up the ASSET Village we held the ASSET Awards at Suffolk New College on 25th June. Enormous thanks to the ASSET Arrows for helping us consider the categories that reflected our values, for Suffolk New College for hosting and supporting us, and to the judges and sponsors.

Winners of the Excellence Awards

Winner of the Equity Awards

Winners of the Empowerment and Engagement Awards

Winners of the Adult Awards

ASSET itself was nominated and shortlisted for the Wellbeing Trust of the Year Award, and on June 26th Sarah Orves, our Trust Lead for the Complete Human Strategy went to the Optimus National MAT Awards in Birmingham. Sarah delivered a workshop on the Complete Human Strategy to schools and trusts from across the country during the day, and attended the nail-biting awards ceremony with moral support from Phil Palmer and Sarah Winter.

We are enormously proud to say that ASSET won the Wellbeing Trust of the Year award, with judges "appreciating how ASSET Education's approach encompassed so many areas that are often neglected. All staff roles are values and support for students isn't all academically related. Their holistic "Complete Human Strategy" showed the value they bring to their people, pupils and communities." 

We are grateful to Sarah's leadership, the hard work of CHS leads and the daily passion and care that our staff put in to take care of each other, our children and their families. You'll see we are proudly displaying our winner banner at the bottom of the website!

You can read all about our Complete Human Strategy here.

We also celebrated leadership over the last month, with an award for Cliff Lane Headteacher Carrie Broom at the TT Education Conference. Carrie was awarded their Transformational Leader Award for her brilliant work at Cliff Lane Primary

Thanks and congratulations to all our staff who show passion and care all year round! You make our schools, our trusts and our community.