The ASSET Food Project

See that pile of packaging? We made that pile from one shared lunch of 200 children and adults at our Food Summit in November 2024!

We are on a mission to transform our school dinners and the impact that our food choices have on our health and wellbeing, and on the planet!

This work won't be easy - so we've asked our children to lead it! We've been funded by Ormiston Trust to empower our young leaders in our schools to identify the reasons children choose not to eat school dinners and to carry out projects that will tackle those challenges.

We don't know where we'll end up. But by the end of the year expect something like recipes created by children and families appearing in our dining rooms, locally grown and sourced food, community kitchens, new branding designed by our children, more vegetables, less packaging, more food education and lots of delicious food!

We are going to record our journey from start to finish and share it here. So watch this space and come back to see how we are getting on. Our Showcase will be at Hope Church Ipswich at the end of the year on 3rd July 2025 - we would love to have you join us. Hold that date, and keep an eye on this page for details.

Our thanks to all of the adults and organisations from the worlds of health, catering and the environment who are helping. To the businesses, charities and public sector organisations supporting us. To Ormiston and #iwill for funding us. To Suffolk New College media students for capturing our story. To all the mums, dads, grandparents, families, governors, councillors and staff in ASSET schools that will champion us - thank you!

Step one - Let's have a Food Summit! Take a look at how we got on...